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- 7
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ES-25 Energy saver is a highly advanced and sophisticated transformer based power voltage optimizer that attaches to your incoming electricity supply. It is a tried and tested technology known as voltage or power optimization to control voltage and suppressing the load harmonics on lighting and mixed load. This lowers the amount of kWh consumed, hence reducing the electricity bills and carbon emissions.
Benefits of ES-25
- Guaranteed savings up to 20% on lighting loads and 15% on mixed loads.
- Extends life of discharge lamps and reduces replacement of chokes.
- Improves power quality and power factor.
- Centralized installation without de-lamping & re-lamping.
- Guards the circuit from high voltage spikes & surges.
- Minimal payback period with maintenance free with 20 years of lifespan.
Tested & Certified By:
- Intertek Central Power Research Institute(CPRI), India
- Bureau Veritas(BV)
- CE Certification
- National Energy Research Center, Jordan
- Jordan Institute of Standards & Metrology
- SIRIM Behrad, Malaysia
- Jabatan Bekalan Eletrek Das Gas, Malaysia